A new, musical adaption of the classic fairy tale, Hansel and Gretel's Magical Adventure is a story fit for the holiday season! The show is intended for youngsters, with lots...
Make meaningful connections with people from multiple generations at the Start with Hi! community kickoff. The event will include group activities and games, music, a light dinner, and more.
Sidekick Theatre's annual holiday show is full of heartwarming family traditions. This year, "Bells Will Be Ringin" will feature holiday favorites from the past and present. Visit Sidekick Theatre's website for a full list of show times.
The Bloomington Symphony Orchestra presents a bright, colorful, and optimistic evening of classical music at Minnesota Masonic Heritage Center. "Exuberance" will highlight Li Huanzhi’s Spring Festival Overture and Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy's Italian symphony.
In this new adaption of The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy is transported from a Kansas farm to the magical world of Oz and meets the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and...