Join Milo on a journey through the subway, where he discovers unexpected stories behind the faces he encounters. Experience his adventure unfold in a world-premiere musical, filled with vibrant songs...
Tyler, The Creator is heading out on a 2025 world tour for his album CHROMAKOPIA, featuring Lil Yachty and Paris Texas. The announcement follows the release of "Noid," the album's...
Based on the classic children's book, The Snowy Day celebrates the magic of childhood and the season's first snow. This production by the Minnesota Opera will be held at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts.
2025 Lunar New Year kicks off the Year of the Snake! Celebrate with the Minnesota Orchestra as they share music that honors family traditions with themes of unity and health.
The Bloomington Symphony Orchestra presents a bright, colorful, and optimistic evening of classical music at Minnesota Masonic Heritage Center. "Exuberance" will highlight Li Huanzhi’s Spring Festival Overture and Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy's Italian symphony.
Experience the magic of the Harry Potter film series with the Minnesota Orchestra. The orchestra will perform the dramatic score from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 as the film...
Following the tradition of Historically Black College and University (HBCU) marching bands, DRUMLine Live is full of energetic rhythms and bold beats. The musical roller coaster has choreographed routines and...
Paw Patrol Live! A Mighty Adventure follows the Paw Patrol pups as they unleash their mighty superpowers! This family show is perfect for fans of the hit Nickelodeon TV series.
Celebrate the music of Broadway along with the notable Angelica Cantanti Youth Choir! This local group will perform some of their favorite Broadway hits along with famous songs from movies...
Justin Timberlake is returning to the Twin Cities as a part of the highly anticipated Forget Tomorrow World Tour. See Timberlake play music from his latest album, Everything I Thought It...
No dream is too big at Disney on Ice: Into the Magic! A cast of classic and modern Disney characters, including Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Miguel from Coco,...
Based on the true story of 7,000 flight passengers who were stranded in Newfoundland after the events of 9/11, Come From Away is a heartwarming musical selected as the Critics'...